Kota Kayang MuseumAlbeit that Perlis being the smallest state in Malaysia, but geographically it was bothered by neighboring country-Thailand- at its northern, it surely has many stories to tell to locals as well as visitors. The best way to re-route origin and history of a place is through its state museum or archives.

Kota Kayang museum is within 10 minutes of driving from the town of Kangar, capital of Perlis, It is named such way as ‘Kayang’ carries the name of Sultan Dhiauddin Mukarram Shah I after he passed away in 1688. The first title of Al-Marhum Kayang I was thus given to him in honoring his reign. Perlis is surrounded and fortified by many hills such as Besi Hangit Hill, Tok Poh Hill, Papan Hill, Kubu Hill, Nasi Sebungkus Hill, Lagi Hill and Medan Mountain. Thus, it is called as ‘kota’ which mean fort.

The building has long story to tell from beginning of 19th century where current and fourth king of Perlis who was childless succeeded the land to his sibling dubbed a senior minister to him-Syed Salim bin Syed Muhammad al-Jafri. A house was built on the gifted land by Syed Salim until the Bangkok Treaty agreement between United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Siam in 1909. The occupation was not long; it changed hand to Japanese military army from 1941 to 1943 during World War II, while in 1943 to 1945 it fell under the Thai Military government. The museum was only taken over by state government after Malaya gained independence in 1957, the whole building was reconstructed according to original design.

All those stories were compiled in three main galleries of the museum with most of the items are in artifact forms. One of the galleries is mainly retell the chronological history on the building itself. The second room highlights the royal family tree of Prophet S.A.W as most of the people of Perlis, about 80 per cent of Muslims inhabitants. Displays of daily paraphernalia of aristocrats such as kitchen utensil, smoking pipe, and jewellery showed that there were influence of Siam, Kedah and other foreign elements.

Kota Kayang Museum activitiesPerlis was once part of Kedah and separate from the entity in 1700 and ruled under the governor of Siam. Since then until 1909, together with Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah, started paying tribute to Siam in the form of gold and silver trees known as Bunga Mas (gold was made into flowers shape and given away as tax). Third room is mainly for researchers who have great interest toward each and every detail on Perlis Indera Kayangan. A lot of research results are shared in the tiny room of rich history and of course the main purpose of the museum is to share and disseminate the knowledge of Perlis with the public.

Recommended Hotels in Perlis:
Hotel Seri Malaysia Kangar
Beautiful view with small hill as backdrop, clean and spacious room.
Putra Palace
Spacious room and huge bathroom.
Putra Putri Lodge
Comfortable room and value for money accommodation in town centre.