Adult Child Senior Citizen
Malaysian RM5 RM2 RM2
Non Malaysian RM30 RM15 RM15


The Pulau Redang Archipelago consists of 9 islands including Pulau Redang, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Ling, Pulau Ekor Tebu, Pulau Kerengga Besar, Pulau Kerengga Kecil, Pulau Paku Besar, Pulau Paku Kecil and Pulau Lima. The marine waters surrounding these islands up to 2 nautical miles from its shores have been designated as the Pulau Redang Marine Parks Malaysia. So, when you visit Pulau Redang, you are actually visiting a Marine Park. Don’t be confused with the Marine Park Centre where all guests would normally visit for a snorkelling trip. Also please note that this is collected by the Marine Park officials for the Conservation of the Marine Park. (Source: Redang Pelangi official site)

For more information, please visit the official website of DMPM.