How to get around in Penang
It is easy to get around in Penang with numerous types of public transportation easily accessible. Explore Penang by taxis, buses and even trishaws are some of the common transportation utilized by locals and visitors. By Taxis Taxis are widely available from major tourist attractions, hotels, bus stops and shopping complexes. However, it is highly…
How to get in to Penang
By Air Penang offers extensive air travel network with major capitals of the region such as Bangkok, Phuket, Singapore, Medan, Banda Acheh, Hong Kong, Macau, Xiamen and Taipei. The Penang International Airport is located at about 16km from the UNESCO World Heritage City Georgetown, visitors to Penang can either hire a taxi that runs on…
Georgetown Tourist Attractions, Activities and Hotels Guide
Founded on 11 August 1786 by Captain Francis Light, Georgetown has now become the capital of the state of Penang. The island, derived from the many betel nut palm (Pinang) which can still be found to this day, has been transformed over the years to become a bustling port and generated wealth from its diverse…
Penang Tourist Attractions, Activities and Hotels Guide

Penang is an island located at the Peninsular’s north-western coast with Kedah and Perak being the neighboring states. The UNESCO World Heritage site Georgetown is the capital of Penang well known for its ancient temples, churches, colonial buildings as well as the pre-WWII shop houses. George Town is also recognized as one of the historical…
A Short Visit to the Residence of Ku Din Ku Meh

Situated at No. 20 in upper Penang Road is none other than the Residence of Ku Din Ku Meh (Segara Ninda), which is one of the numerous places in Penang Island that has been under the effort of the government to have them restored with the sole purpose of retaining the rich cultural value and…