
(2024 优惠) 4天3夜拉娃岛度假村休闲配套


BM | ENG 推荐活动:在海滩附近浮潜,划皮划艇,徒步观赏美丽迷人的景色,尝试水滑梯以及更多刺激的水上运动。 推荐活动:在海滩附近浮潜,划皮划艇,徒步观赏美丽迷人的景色,尝试水滑梯以及更多刺激的水上运动。

Rawa Island Resort

Rawa Island Resort Waterfront Bungalow

Imagine yourself on paradise where the waters, clear as crystal sparkle under the steamy sun. The melodious, soft tropical breeze carries your stresses and daily routine strains far, far away through the waving palm trees. Imagine waking up being greeted by a hot cup of Italian gourmet coffee on the front porch of your beach…