
Mari Mari Cultural Village – Exploring Tribes


Every state – even district – holds a certain history which makes the state unique. Same goes to the state of Sabah. In some states, you will find the individuals living in the specific state preserving the memorable trademarks from the history as hard as they can, either to serve as a lesson, or as…

Maranjak Longhouse Homestay – Explore the Rungus Tribe

Maranjak Longhouse Homestay

The best way to learn about one’s culture is – undoubtedly – by living with the tribe you intend to learn for a couple of days, or even weeks. In Sabah, there are a lot of local tribes that are definitely worth learning, not to mention their noble yet meaningful culture and tradition which will…

Mantanani Island – Discovering the Ocean’s Secrets

Mantanani island snorkeling

There are too many wonders of the Mother Nature which many would often spend most of their lifetimes discovering more secrets about it. In Sabah, you would also obtain the chance to enjoy more of the beauty of the Mother Nature as well as to discover more of the secrets of the Mother Nature. If…

Mandara Spa – The Ultimate Local Massaging Experience

The body condition of an individual is very important for him/her to enjoy during one’s vacation. Thus, besides of conducting the proper and extensive research on the vacation spots that one would visit during his/her vacation, it is also important for one to ensure that they can find the best accommodation or recreation center for…

Maliau Basin – The Lost World in Sabah

It is never a myth that Sabah is a state filled with wonderful well-preserved flora and fauna, usually tempting both foreigners and the locals to step into the state in order to witness the beauty of the Mother Nature with their very own eyes. If you are one of these nature lovers, the Maliau Basin…

Mai Aman – Staying Close to Nature

Sabah is a state consisting of uncountable precious historical stories along with the diverse tribes residing in the state. Thus, if you are to visit Sabah, it is always recommended for you to take the chance in experiencing the lifestyle and culture of the local tribes by residing in their villages instead of going for…

Exploring Treasures – Maga Waterfall of Long Pasia

Isn’t it fascinating to be able to witness the beautiful treasure of other countries before your very own eyes? In Sabah, the treasure is not only treasure, but treasures. You would not be able to witness every single beautiful detail in just one day. In fact, you would need great guidance from the local people…

Madai – Baturong Forest Reserve Center

The preservation of the Mother Nature in Sabah had been carried out for a long period of time. Upon setting foot in Sabah, you will definitely feel the green atmosphere instantly instead of the usual big cities filled with chaos. If you are interested to know more about the effort the local government had poured…

Mabul Island – Underwater World Close Up

Mabul Island

If you are looking forward to spend your holiday peacefully with some thrills in between, the Mabul Island in Semporna of Sabah might just be the right place for you to venture in. The island possesses an intriguing structure that will give one the impression of being in a water village at first glance. The…

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park – Close to Nature


It is really important for one to learn the ways to appreciate the small things in life, especially the beauty of the Mother Nature. In Sabah, the local government had been pouring in lots of effort to enable the little elements – flora and fauna – in the state can be preserved and protected so…